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Industry Tunes


View design work by industry. Experience the complete breakdown of each project.

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Food & Beverage Industry

Are you Hungry, thirsty or just need a snack? Take a look at the works below to fill your appetite.

Auto Industry

Take a comforting cruse, travel and visit holiday events. Take your pets on an auto industry adventure.

Fashion Industry

Dress your best, fill confident in your attire. Watch as the human body is the canvas for garment and expression.

Music Industry

Sounds and vibrations of music can make you fill at ease. Go on a journey that allow your mind to ride on a sound wave.

Education / E-Learning / Analytics

Give and receive information in all forms. Traditional Education, E-Learning and Analytical. 

Landscaping Industry

An artform in a truly natural sense. Take a look at how clean design can represent this unappreciated craft.


Love your car, then love where it is parked. The miracle of all miracles waiting to be presented as an artform.

Special Events

Planning an event is hard work, but seeing it follow through is so much fun. Capture and experience that wonderful feeling and fun.

Tech Industry

See what's next in the tech industry. Devices and software that lead the health, business, entertainment . 

Sports Industry

The amazing things our athletes can do, brings the audience to amazement. Lets see what amazing things are captured here.

Tool Industry

The amazing things our athletes can do, brings the audience to amazement. Lets see what amazing things are captured here.

Entertainment / Advertising

We need to be entertained right. Lets take those worries off our minds with fun, adventure and exploration.

Furniture, Kitchen & Bath Industry

Sit down, have a set. Take a look a some ideas and concepts that i have been involve with in the past.

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